Malissa Beckwith / Friday, April 5, 2024 / Categories: Facebook Posts Photos from Fairport Village Inn's post Just a couple of our delicious desserts we currently have available today. They change frequently so please check with your server to hear what is available. Also available today: Lemon Blueberry Cake Carrot Cake Chocolate Molten Lava Cake (Feed generated with FetchRSS)Link to original article N E W 🌒 Merch Alert ‼️ 20 oz Tumblers Limited supply available. Get ’em while we got ‘em! . . . . . . . #thefairportvillageinn #fairportny #fairportvillageinn #FVI #thefvi #FairportNY #solareclipse #TotalSolarEclipse #totaleclipseoftheheart Photos from Fairport Village Inn's post Print 171 Rate this article: No rating