The Fairport Village Inn Facebook Posts

Legendary Pittsburgh Steeler running back Rocky Bleier - The Official Fan Page in 1968 and from 1971 to 1980 stopped in today th... Legendary Pittsburgh Steeler running back Rocky Bleier - The Official Fan Page in 1968 and from 1971 to 1980 stopped in today th...

Legendary Pittsburgh Steeler running back Rocky Bleier - The Official Fan Page in 1968 and from 1971 to 1980 stopped in today th...

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Legendary Pittsburgh Steeler running back Rocky Bleier - The Official Fan Page in 1968 and from 1971 to 1980 stopped in today thanks to Tommy Brunett Iron Smoke Distillery Made Ken’s year!! Thank you Tommy!! What a nice, humble guy. He was very interested in hearing about the history of the FVI. Here We Go Steelers!! ⚫️✨ . . . . #SteelersNation #steelers #Steelers #terribletowel #thefvi #fairportvillageinn #Fairport #fairportvi #thefairportvillageinn #FVI #fvi #finditinfairport #fairportny #fvi #fairport #fairportvillage #rockybleier #herewego #HereWeGoSteelers

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3rd Annual Small Business Saturday (AKA~🎶Where in Fairport are Kenny and Billy🎶) We made it to 16 places this year! Of course we’d love to make it to every place in this awesome village but we ran out of time. Thank you to everyone for continuing to support us!
#smallbusiness #smallbusinesssaturday #smallbizsat #smallbizsaturday #fairportvillageinn #thefvi #thefairportvillageinn #fairportvillage #finditinfairport

When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

If you happen to be out in Victor today be sure to stop and shop at our friends @shopaegifts They have so many amazing artisan p...

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If you happen to be out in Victor today be sure to stop and shop at our friends @shopaegifts They have so many amazing artisan products! Clothing, jewelry, kids items, home decor, ornaments, Bills...

Today is the day! Small Business Saturday 🍽️🍺🛍️ Stop in between 12pm - 3PM to see our friends Semper Lumen Candles, LLC setup in...

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Today is the day! Small Business Saturday 🍽️🍺🛍️ Stop in between 12pm - 3PM to see our friends Semper Lumen Candles, LLC setup in our restaurant 🕯️ Get your FVI Gift Cards today and be entered...


«March 2025»