Stop by our little firehouse on Small Business Saturday from 10am-4pm 👌🏽
We have plenty of new inventory and it has all been ha...
Stop by our little firehouse on Small Business Saturday from 10am-4pm 👌🏽
We have plenty of new inventory and it has all been ha...
Stop by our little firehouse on Small Business Saturday from 10am-4pm 👌🏽
We have plenty of new inventory and it has all been handcrafted right in our shop 💯
📍113 N. Main Street, Fairport, NY
🔨handmade for you🔨
#ourlittlefirehouse #handmadeforyou #webuildstufftogether #enjoyingretirementtogether👍#handmadeinfairport #shoplocal #shoplocalfairport #smallbusinesssaturday #newinventory #holidayshopping
Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll have going on tomorrow for Small Business Saturday!! Come eat, drink, & shop with us! 🍽️🍻🛍️
Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll have going on tomorrow for Small Business Saturday!! Come eat, drink, & shop with us! 🍽️🍻🛍️
Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll have going on tomorrow for Small Business Saturday!! Come eat, drink, & shop with us! 🍽️🍻🛍️
#finditinfairport #smallbusinesssaturday #supportlocalbusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinessowner #fairportny #smallbusiness #fvi #fairport #fairportvillage #fairportvillageinn #FVI #thefvi #shoplocal #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #Fairport...